Mallard's setting up of the speed record came with a price. About a couple of years or so ago I was in the National Railway Museum in York and as luck would have it, one of the guides was an old engine driver who once drove this famous "streak." Lying besid the loco in the museum on the loco's left side is a conn-rod; the one that was on
Mallard at the time of that record breaking run. The big-end bearing on the middle left hand driver had run out. Consequently the crankpin was distorted a little. The poor girl has had big-end problems ever since.
It just goes to show, even machines get arthritis! But she is a beautiful old lady nonetheless. She sits in the museum beside another gracious "Dame of the Iron Road", the V2,
Green Arrow. That loco has taken me from Sunderland to Newcastle on many gricing trips during my childhood. Although in those days she was a rather scruffy
black arrow.
This engine is obscenely clean Norman! Whoever saw a grime-free A4 in the real world? It reminds me of those 'William' stories by Rachmel Crompton where he used to unwillingly get well-scrubbed by his mother for teas with maiden aunties.
Hi Norman.
Greetings from the city of Chicago, America's railroad capital. I have to agree with our friend Iain. Whoever saw a "Grime Free" working steam locomotive of any kind around the world? Even the examples working on tourist railways have a certain degree of grimyness. The only clean examples I have seen were Static Displays stored indoors.
Thank You.
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