Roaming in the Gloaming

A busy day today with a house full of kids so just a little reminder of summer here, and of a sunny if sticky morning.
Here's my Athearn F7 - what we gricers like to refer to as 'covered wagons' because of the shape (hope I'm right Eddie!). As I'm a Espee buff ('Southern Pacific' Fallen Flag of blessed memory)! mine of course is in the 1960's SP 'Black Widow' livery of black, silver and tuscan red. This is how an F7 of long ago might have looked growling up to Dunsmuir or across the desert to Yuma.
This is the north east curve on my garden line, out amongst the conifers by the lane. This is how garden railways should be - messy, decking a bit warped but full of colour and fresh air and the sounds of clickety-click over rail joints with the birds singing. Who would want a 'pike' in the attic or basement once you have discovered the joys of garden railroading?
Good Morning Iain.
It is now 9:38 AM Chicago time as I write this.
This is a very nice model railroad set up You have put together. I grew up in Chicago while the miscelanious EMD F-7's and E Units were running out their last miles hauling commuter trains. The Rock Island ran theirs until 1978, The Chicago and North Western ran theirs until 1983, and the last ones in service were the Burlington Northern Railroad EMD
E-9 diesels. These ran until September of 1992. I also witnessed the last ones in Amtrak service around 1975.
The Espee "Black Widow" color scheme on Yopur model, is actually from the 1950's. ( Sorry. A small correction.) In 1958, Southern Pacific adopted an "UGLY" (to Me) Gray and Scarlet Red color scheme.
I hated this color combination. Yuck! The last incarnation with Speed Lettering was nicer.
My model railroad is an Industrial shortline railroad, with industries to spot cars along. I have always enjoyed this style of branchline railroading in Chicago.
Thank You.
Ooops! I screw up occasionally too.
The Chicago and North Western ran their EMD "F" units on commuter trains until 1983. They ran their EMD "E" Units until October of 1989. I rode on the "Last Run" fantrip charter from Chicago to Harvard Illinois. It was a cloudy autum day, But those 3 EMD E-9's sounded absolutely great!
Thank You.
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