Some new stock

The last couple of mornings I've been catching the Keisei Railway out from central Chiba into the south east suburbs where I've been doing my studies. Getting into town just before ten both my trips have coincided with what must be crew training runs on some new stock.
Here's a picture of the new 8800 series. This unit has parked up at Honchiba and is about to set off back towards Ueno. I think they bear more than a passing resemblance to the trains Keisei use on the line north of Tsudanuma. They are smart enough and I'm sure very energy efficient and this one took off like a rocket but I found myself wondering with a sinking heart what old stock would be headed off to the breaker's year. The 3000 series I guess, a really classic 70's design.
I must publish some pictures here before they are just a thing of the past.