Ready to Roll

I'd carefully planned my return time to get a trip on a Series 500 shinkansen at last but with a reservation in Car 13 I should have known better. When the train rolled in at 15:08 it was a substitute 700 series so I still have to fulfil my dearest wish in terms of Japanese train travel.
Here we go ... the train just rolled in frm Okayama and just one minute for passengers to get aboard before the doors close. The platform controller is already blowing his whistle and waving a white gloved finger. In a few minutes we'll be streaking along the south side of Lake Biwa at 180 mph. Nothing like the 'shink' for the sheer experience of noise and speed
This looks really nice.
I wouldn't mind going for
a ride on one of these
express trains.
Railway Roundabout is also
"Ready to Roll".
Welcome back Iain..We missed You.
Thank You.
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