
It is almost ten years to the day since our Tokyo-bound 'Narita Express' pulled up at Platform 1 (where I'm standing) on our first trip to Japan. I was astonished just how 'English' the place looked, even down to the platform canopies and railings.
Narita is junction. A double track main line comes in from Tokyo here from the south west, and to the north a busy single track route heads towards Choshi. A line diverges west towards the main line for Mito, and of course just north of the station the line to the airport heads off to the east. By Japanese standards it isn't a busy place but you'll see around six trains an hour.
Here's the Tokyo bound Narita Express heading non-stop through Platform 2 and slowing for the crossovers to the south of the station. In fifty minutes the passengers will be getting out at Tokyo central station.
Hello Iain!
This is a really nice looking
electric commuter train. Just look at those large picture windows on the ends. Japan seems to lean toward electric propulsion for their rail network.
If You can find the time...
On My links page to the right of Your computer screen, I have added some silent digital video clips of Chicago area trains and buses. It's on the link entitled
"Join the Eddie's railfan group"
Click on "Files"..and You candownload My home video railfan movie snipets.
I hope You enjoy them.
Thank You.
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